Extraordinary Art by 38 Women
March 20 – May 31, 2024
A Diverse Range of Subjects, Styles and Mediums
Manhattan Arts International has been presenting “HerStory” online exhibitions since 2000
Shown on this page is some of the art from this important exhibition.
The names of all artists in “HerStory” can be found below.
Our Purpose for “HerStory” Exhibitions: For centuries women artists have inspired and enlightened us with their enormous talent, vision and commitment. Many have served as creative trailblazers in their chosen styles and mediums. Their contributions have gone under-recognized and they haven’t received the accolades they deserve.
Manhattan Arts International will continue to present annual “HerStory” exhibitions until there is a fair and equal balance of women artists represented by art museums, galleries, art book publishers, major private and public collections, auction houses, and the media. ~ Renee Phillips, Director and Curator
“HerStory” 2024 ~ An “Invitational Exhibition”: Previous “HerStory” exhibitions were open calls. For this exhibition in 2024 we focused on featuring Artist Members from the Manhattan Arts International Galleries and The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS (HPAA) Gallery. We also included Artists from our Art Review Series on the HPAA website.
To learn about exhibitions presented on the Manhattan Arts International website visit Manhattan Arts International Exhibitions.
To learn about exhibitions presented on The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS website visit: Healing Power of ART Exhibitions
Be an Advocate for Equality: Support, promote and encourage women artists and advance equality for all women around the world. Copy and share the link to this exhibition. https://manhattanarts.com/herstory-2024-exhibition
Names of All Exhibiting Artists
Hiske Tas Bain, Elise Beattie, Sandra Belitza-Vazquez, Paula Borsetti, Eva Breitfuss, Barbara Brown, Nancy Calef, Mary Chaplin, Monique J. DuFour, Roopa Dudley, Jane Foley Ferraro, Leanne Fink, Nanette Fluhr, Sharon Grimes, Diane Fleisch Hughes, Corina Ioana, Fadia Haddad Jawdat, Karen Johnston, Agnes Jorgensen, Nancy Staub Laughlin, Debora Levy, Tommy B. McDonell, Natalie Oliphant, Valerie Patterson, Leah Poller, Denisa Prochazka, Anne Morrison Rabe, Andrea Robinson, Marcella Rose, Roslyn Rose, Rajul Shah, Bren Sibilsky, Ruth Soller, Carole Claude T., Dee Tivenan, Liisa Viima, Yvonne Welman, Sandra Duran Wilson,
All rights reserved. Do not reproduce images without the artists’ permission.
Contact the Artists directly to purchase their artwork.
Banner image: Detail of “Hallelujah” by Andrea Robinson
Bren Sibilsly
Releasing the Veil, clay for bronze, 23″ x 21″ x 9″
Bren Sibilsky is a member of the Manhattan Arts International Featured Artists Gallery and also The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS Gallery. She has been selected for several of our “HerStory” exhibitions. She has won several awards including a Special Recognition Art Award in the “New Beginning” competition for her superior works of art that enlighten us. Read about Bren’s Award
Visit Bren Sibilsky’s Membership Page
Visit Bren Sibilsky’s website: brensibilsky.com
Valerie Patterson
In Pursuit of Justice, watercolor, 35″ x 27″
Valerie Patterson is a member of the Manhattan Arts International Featured Artists Gallery. She has won several Awards of Excellence from us and has been selected for our previous “HerStory” exhibitions, Valerie received a Special Recognition Interview Award published on this website for her profound, visceral, message-driven watercolor paintings and extraordinary proficiency. Her art is also featured in “The Spirit of Resilience” exhibition. Read an Interview with Valerie.
Visit Valerie Patterson’s Membership Page
Visit Valerie Patterson’s Website: valeriepatterson.com
Sandra Duran Wilson
Explore the Less Traveled, mixed media on panel, 18″ x 14″ x 1.5″
Sandra Duran Wilson is a member of the Manhattan Arts International Featured Artists Gallery. Her art has been selected for previous “HerStory” exhibitions and she has won Awards of Excellence. In 2023 her art was featured in “The Healing Power of Art: Love, Peace, Hope & Unity”, “The Healing Power of Color”, “The Healing Power of Elements: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire”, and “The Healing Power of ART Inspired by NATURE”. It was also curated into “The Healing Power of ART: Resilience 2022” juried exhibition.
Visit Sandra Duran Wilson’s Membership Page
Visit Sandra Duran Wilson’s Website: sandraduranwilson.com
Barbara Brown
Marilyn’s Forest, oil on canvas, 21″ x 15″
Barbara Brown is a member of the Manhattan Arts International Artist Showcase Gallery. She received a Special Recognition Art Award in “The Healing Power of Elements: Earth, Water, Air & Fire” exhibition for raising awareness about our need to protect and preserve nature. Her art has been selected for previous “HerStory” exhibitions. It was also curated into “The Healing Power of ART Inspired by NATURE” exhibition. Barbara was also selected to be included “The Healing Power of Color” online juried exhibition and “The Spirit of Resilience” 2020 exhibition in which she received an Award of Excellence.
Visit Barbara Brown’s Membership Page
Visit Barbara Brown’s Website: barbarabrownart.com
Denisa Prochazka
Angel for Ukraine, clay, 54″ x 40″ x 10″. The sculpture will be cast in cement with a stainless steel base.
Denisa Prochazka is a member of the Manhattan Arts International Artist Showcase Gallery. Her art has been selected for several Manhattan Arts International “HerStory” juried exhibitions. She has received Awards of Excellence and Special Recognition Art Awards from Manhattan Arts International. Denisa also served as a Special Recognition Award Presenter in the “HerStory” 2019 Exhibition.
Visit Denisa Prochazka’s Membership Page
Visit Denisa Prochazka’s Website: denisa-sculpture.com
Andrea Robinson
Hallelujah, oil on canvas, 30 x 40″
Andrea Robinson is a member of the Manhattan Arts International Artist Showcase Gallery. She is also a member of The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS Gallery. She received a Special Recognition Art Award for her efforts to bring positive change. She has been featured in our articles on both websites about artists who raise awareness about environmental concerns. Her art has been selected for several “HerStory” exhibitions in addition to “The Healing Power of Art: Love, Peace, Unity & Hope” and “The Healing Power of Elements: Earth, Water, Air & Fire” juried exhibitions.
Visit Andrea Robinson’s Membership Page
Visit Andrea Robinson’s Website: andrearobinson.co.nz
Nancy Staub Laughlin
The Dazzling of Spring, pastel on paper, mounted photograph, 41″ x 60″
Nancy Staub Laughlin is a member of Manhattan Arts International Featured Artists Gallery. Her art has been featured in previous “HerStory” exhibitions and she has received Awards of Excellence.
Visit Nancy Staub Laughlin’s Membership Page:
Visit Nancy Staub Laughlin’s Website: nancystaublaughlin.com
Nanette Fluhr
Ascending, oil on canvas, 52″ x 33″
Nanette Fluhr is a member of the Manhattan Arts International Artist Showcase Art Gallery. She is the recipient of a Manhattan Arts International “Outstanding Woman Artist Achievement Award” from the “HerStory” 2023 exhibition. She was selected among the exhibiting artists her artistic prowess, many career accomplishments, and for being a leading advocate for advancing the status of women artists. In the”HerStory” 2022 she won a one-year Artist Showcase Membership Award. Read an Interview with Nanette.
Visit Nanette Fluhr’s Membership Page
Visit Nanette Fluhr’s website: nanettefluhr.com
Sandra Belitza-Vazquez
Tulips’ Hurrah, scanner photography, 16″ x 20″
Sandra Belitza-Vazquez is a member of the Manhattan Arts International Artist Showcase Gallery. She is also a member of The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS Gallery. Her art was selected for previous “HerStory” juried exhibitions and has won Awards of Excellence. It was also curated into “The Healing Power of Art: Love, Peace, Unity & Hope”, “The Healing Power of Elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire”, and “The Healing Power of ART Inspired by NATURE” juried exhibitions.
Visit Sandra Belitza-Vazquez’s Membership Page
Visit Sandra Belitza-Vazquez’s Website: sandyscan.com
Yvonne Welman
Selfies, acrylic on canvas, 23.6″ x 23.6″
Yvonne Welman is a member of Manhattan Arts International Featured Artists Gallery. She has been curated into previous “HerStory” exhibitions. Manhattan Arts International gave Yvonne an Award of Excellence in its juried competition “New Beginnings” two years consecutively. She also won an Award of Merit in its “Hot Topics Bold Expressions” exhibition. Her art was selected for “Inspirational Art in Mixed Media”.
Visit Yvonne Welman’s Membership Page
Visit Yvonne Welman’s Website: yvonne-welman.com
Rajul Shah
Revival, acrylic and 23kt gold leaf on wood panel, 12″ x 12″
Rajul Shah is a member of the Manhattan Arts International Associate Artists Online Gallery. She is also a member of The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS Gallery. Her art has been selected for previous “HerStory” exhibitions. She has also been juried into “The Healing Power of Art: Love, Peace, Unity & Hope” online exhibition, “The Healing Power of Elements” exhibition, and “The Healing Power of ART Inspired by NATURE”.
Visit Rajul Shah’s Membership Page
Visit Rajul Shah’s Website: rajulshahart.com
Fadia Haddad Jawdat
Reflection, found and painted paper, 9″ x 11″
Fadia Haddad Jawdat is a Featured Artist in our Art Review series published by The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS. Her art was selected for our “The Healing Power of Art: Love Peace, Unity & Hope” juried exhibition.
Visit Fadia Haddad Jawdat’s website: fadiajawdat.com
Eva Breitfuß
Beyond Communication, acrylic on canvas, 17.7″ x 17.7″
Eva Breitfuß is a member of the Manhattan Arts International Associate Artists Gallery. She is also a Featured Artist in our Art Review series published by The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS. Her art has been selected for previous “HerStory” exhibitions. She was also selected for inclusion in “The Healing Power of Art: Love, Peace & Unity”, “The Healing Power of Elements: Earth, Water, Air & Fire”, “The Healing Power of Color”, ART Inspired by NATURE”, juried exhibitions, and “The Power of Resilience” invitational exhibition.
Visit Eva Breitfuß’s Membership Page
Visit Eva Eva Breitfuß’s Website: evabreitfuss.space
Mary Chaplin
Garden of Life, Tribute to Joan Mitchell, oil on canvas, diptych. Each panel is 45″ x 57.5″
Mary Chaplin is a member of the Manhattan Arts International Featured Artists Gallery. Her art has been curated into several of our exhibitions including “Honor, Remembrance, Gratitude and Hope for Peace Expressed in Art” and The Healing Power of ART”. She is the recipient of an Award of Excellence in the Manhattan Arts International “New Beginnings” exhibition and “Our Bond With Nature” exhibition.
Visit Mary Chaplin’s Membership Page
Visit Mary Chaplin’s Website: mary-chaplin.com/painter
Natalie Oliphant
“Fertility”, mixed media sculpture, 57″ x 16″ x 9″. Fabric, hardware, gesso, modelling paste on a recycled body form.
Natalie Oliphant has been featured in our previous annual “HerStory” exhibitions. She is a recipient of a Special Recognition Art Award and selected for an article about women who create meaningful art about women. She is also featured in an article about Eco-Artists who use recycled materials and promote positive change in the world. Natalie is also a Featured Artist in The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS Art Review Series. Read “Women Artists Who Create Meaningful Art About Women”
Visit Natalie Oliphant’s Website: natalieoliphantart.ca
Mann About Town Announces “HerStory”
Thank you MAT!
The Art & Cultural report of MAT — Mann About Town — recently shared news about our “HerStory” 2024 Invitational Exhibition with a link to this exhibition.
Mann About Town is a monthly business-to-business magazine based in NYC, NY. You can learn more about the Mann Publications here: mannpublications.com/mannabouttown
What an incredible exhibition Dear Renee! Thank you for inviting me and including my work amongst all these outstanding women artists from around the world. What a great curation!
What a gorgeous exhibition, Renee!!! I am honored to be included and surrounded by so many outstanding women and their powerful art. Thanks for this opportunity and for your unwavering passion behind this important show!
What an incredible exhibition!
Thank you Renee for curating and including my work amongst so many talented women artists – it is such an honour.
The narratives that each artist have provided are meaningful, thoughtful, inspiring, full of hope, healing and beauty.
Thank you for your efforts in curating this collection and communicating these messages on an international platform.
With love and gratitude,
Andrea Robinson
Congratulations Renee for a fabulous online HerStory 2024 Exhibition. I am honoured to have my painting be among so many Extraordinary Art by Women from around the world.