Read About Their Sources of Inspiration, Find Out About Their Passions and Rituals, See Where They Create Their Art, Read Praise They Received, Their Latest Achievements, Their Favorite Artists, Find Out How They Bring Positive Change to the World, See How Their Art Transforms Rooms, and Much More…
Manhattan Arts International established an online art gallery in 2000. Our mission, then as now, has been to promote artistic excellence. You will find art by artists from around the world, working in many different styles and mediums. Each artist member of Manhattan Arts International has their own page where you can read about them and view images of their art work, and find links to their websites and social media pages. In addition to their pages, we want you to get to know as much as possible about the many attributes of our member artists, their beliefs and sources of inspiration — in their own words. That’s why we share many different articles about Manhattan Arts International artist members. Check this page often as we’ll be adding new articles for your reading pleasure. Visit the Online Art Gallery to see art by all artists members. Visit the artists’ pages and their websites. Contact them directly to purchase their art.
Banner image: Peter N. Van Giesen, Barbara Brown and Gail Bach in their studios.
Artist Members Explain What Inspired Their Works of Art
In this presentation “Artist Members Explain What Inspired Their Works of Art” our knowledge and appreciation for the artists’ unique vision grows beyond measure. When artists share their creative insight they teach us there are a myriad of possible gateways for artistic expression to be conceived, come to fruition, and flourish. Painting above is by Andrea Robinson.
Fascinating Facts About Featured Artist Members ~ Quiz
Sandra Duran Wilson, Frantisek Strouhal and Barbara Rachko in their studios.
We’re delighted to share this fun and informative quiz solely focused on fascinating facts about artist members of Manhattan Arts International. This feature offers you a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the outstanding artists we promote. See how many artists you can match with the clues we’ve given you. we provide the answers at the end of the article with links to the artist members’ pages.
Fascinating Facts About Artist Showcase Members ~ Quiz
Gail Bach, an outstanding painter of tropical flora and fauna, is one of our Artist Showcase Members.
This article “Fascinating Facts about Artist Showcase Members” is a quiz to help you become more acquainted with members from our Artist Showcase Gallery.
Artist Members Share Praise They Received for Their Art
Peter N. Van Giesen, known worldwide for “Capturing Nature’s Eternal Aura”.
It is remarkable when artists form a bond with a viewer through their art and they receive praise. Manhattan Arts International asked all artist members to answer the question: “What is one of your favorite and most favorable comments you’ve ever received about your art?”
Artist Members Answer “When Did You Know You Wanted to Be An Artist?”
Triptych by Nancy Staub Laughlin
We asked our members, when did you know you wanted to be an artist? At what age was your passion ignited? Their replies are as compelling and diverse as their artwork. You’ll enjoy reading this article as members share their fond memories that led them on their creative journeys.
See How Art by Artist Members Transforms Rooms
Peaceful painting by Andrea Robinson
Art is one of the best ways to bring life and personality to your environment. See how art transforms rooms by viewing the examples of some of our members’ art installed in different spaces and reading their comments. You’ll also find a link where you can watch one of our videos on this topic our YouTube channel.
Artist Members Show Us Where They Create Their Art
Nancy Reyner in her studio.
Artists have very special relationships with their creative spaces. An artist’s studio is often considered their sacred place or inner sanctum. This is where the magic happens. In this article member artists show us where they create their art and tell us what they love about their creative spaces. I think you’ll find the images of the artists in their creative habitats very interesting as they let their unique personalities shine.
Art With Faces and Figures by Artist Members
Art by Charlotte Shroyer
There are many artists in the Manhattan Arts International online art gallery that focus on some aspect of the human form. What can we learn from these works of art? The human face and figure in art may be the best catalyst for beginning an inner dialogue about the human condition and dealing with our own life purpose and mortality.
Different Views of Abstract Art Includes Artist Members
Painting by Nancy Reyner
Over the years many artists, theorists, historians and critics have expressed many different views of Abstract art. In this article you’ll find art by several members of Manhattan Arts International who use Abstract art elements. You’ll find their diverse statements and links to their pages so you can view more of their artwork.
Artist Members Honor Famous Women Artists
Art by Georgia O’Keeffe, Frida Kahlo and Sonia Delaunay
In our series of articles about women artists, we asked our artist members to tell us about a famous woman artist from art history and the impact she made on them. In this article artist members honor famous women artists.
“Spring” – Art by Artist Members
“Resting”, watercolor painting by Valerie Patterson.
“Spring” is a beautiful and inspiring presentation of artwork by several members. You discover the meaning of Spring — literally or metaphorically — in a range of styles and mediums. A special touch has been given with famous quotations about Spring to add another positive dimension to the visual presentation.
Artist Members Share Their Passions Besides Creating Art
Grand Sweeping Spiral, oil on canvas, 20″ x 16″ by Barbara Brown
Do you want to know what our artist members love to do when they aren’t creating art? So did I, so I asked them! This presentation “Artist Members Share Their Passions Besides Creating Art” takes us further into the lives of special artists and reveals how fascinating and multi-faceted they are.
Creative Techniques Shared by Artist Members
Barbara Rachko
We can learn about their mindset, personality and beliefs when we read about the artist’s creative process and unique techniques. This article reveals statements made by artists from history as well as a few member artists who agreed to share aspects about their unusual creative approach.
Interview With Artist Member Valerie Patterson
Valerie Patterson expresses an acute sensitivity to the human condition in watercolor paintings that raise awareness about social and political issues. Her profound images wake us up from our bouts of complacency and apathetic slumber. In this interview she conveys what has influenced her including growing up as the daughter of a Minister and public school teacher.
How Artist Members Bring Positive Change to the World
Art above is by Rajul Shah. who co-founded Purple Octopus Art, LLC™. Its mission: To provide a platform for art and expressive writing that address human and environmental ailments.
We asked all of our artist members in what ways do you share your artistic talent locally or internationally to help bring positive change to the world? Their missions, pursuits and humanitarian activities will inspire you.
Artist Members Spend A Day With An Artist From The Past
Take a journey inside the imaginative minds of artist members as they reveal their favorite artist from art history. In this special feature, we asked members to tell us what artists they would choose, if they could, to spend a day with. Who would it be and what would they do together? Join them in this fantasy.
The Challenges and Rewards in Creating Large Works of Art
What if the artist is commissioned to create a large work of art and their studio space cannot accommodate it? Or, how does an artist overcome the fear of encountering their first extra large blank canvas? In this article several members share the challenges they faced when creating large works of art and the rewards they earned in the process. Above: “Guernica” by Pablo Picasso, one of the most famous large works of art.
Small Artworks That Make A Big Impact By Artists Members
Who says art has to be large in scale to have a big impact on us? We know many of their most monumental and memorable works of art throughout art history have been small in scale. Manhattan Arts International member artists create art in various sizes. For this article, however, I recently asked them to provide one of their smallest treasures and share what inspired it. I also asked for the prices so you can see what interests you and consider buying them.
“Nature in Art” Includes Esteemed Artist Members
This article takes a look at famous artists inspired by nature and also features some of the best works of art and quotes by some of the members of Manhattan Arts International. As you view their art allow their images to speak to you beyond their surfaces. Observe how they interpret nature.
Artist Members Convey What Sparks Their Creativity
What compels an artist to create? Where does their inspiration come from? There so many diverse sources such as nature, human nature, universal symbols, iconography, color, fantasies, their emotions and more. This article includes the replies I received when we asked some of our Artist members what sparks your creativity?. I think you will be intrigued by their answers.
Quality in Art and the Artist’s Ego ~ Article by Keith Morant
In this essay about quality in art and the artist’s ego, Keith Morant (1944-2022) proves he was a master of probing profound topics in art and creativity. In this article he emphasized the significance of the artist’s endeavor to rise above the banality of novelty and become secondary to the art.
I got your site from a friend in Sweden and I am interested in being presented on this sites if possible. Please see my art at
and instagram – echianima. Looking forward to your answer. Thanks in advance. Kind regards, echi åberg, sweden
Dear Echi, I’m glad you learned about the Manhattan Arts International website, where we promote artistic excellence. Although our membership programs are currently full to capacity, we will be announcing a new call for artists later in March, 2020 for our annual “HerStory” exhibition. Please visit again and consider submitting your art for “HerStory” or another future exhibition.
Renee, I enjoy reading about the artists you feature here. I especially liked the article about Small Works of Art since I am a collector of many small pieces in different media. Have you considered doing an article about the largest works of art and the challenges artists face in working in a large scale? I think that would make an interesting topic.
As an art lover I enjoy visiting the Manhattan Arts International site. My husband and I have been subscribers for almost 10 years and enjoy the high quality art you show. Our favorite articles are Fascinating Facts About Members and Artist Members Spend A Day With An Artist From The Past. We also like the new article with pictures that take us into the artists’ studios. Thank you to Renee and the entire Manhattan Arts International team.
Thank you Melanie,
We enjoy bringing new and informative articles about our artist members to art lovers like you and your husband. I appreciate your 10-year loyalty and kind remarks. Let us know if there are any special topics of shows and articles you’d like to see in the future. All the best, Renee and the Manhattan Arts Team