Manhattan Arts International Proudly Presents Bren Sibilsky with this Award in Our “Love, Peace, Unity & Hope” 2025 Exhibition
As a masterful, spiritually guided artist, Bren creates art that embodies a reminder for us to express love, peace, unity and hope.
Bren is shown above presenting a sculpture demonstration in her studio for the Life Long Learning Institute. She is a teacher at the Algoma Atelier of Sculpture and Art, located in her studio in Wisconsin.
It is an honor and pleasure to present this interview with Bren Sibilsky as the recipient of the Special Recognition Art Award in the Manhattan Arts International “Love, Peace, Unity & Hope” 2025 Invitational Exhibition as we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of this website.
Bren received this Special Recognition Art Award because her museum quality sculptures are propelled by a spiritual creative vision. She also provides instrumental services as an active contributor in the art community. She serves as a role model for us to express love, peace, unity and hope.
Her Ancestor’s Dream, clay for bronze, 32″ x 23″ x 7.5″. This sculpture won a special award in one of Manhattan Arts International’s “HerStory” Exhibitions
Bren possesses an unlimited artistic potential and there is no subject beyond her extraordinary capabilities. She is equally proficient in creating animated poetic sculpture of full standing figures, equestrian statues, portraits, and reliefs in addition to poignant drawings and paintings. Her numerous one-person and group exhibitions include those at: The Miller Art Museum; Koehline Museum; Fairfield Museum; and The Salmagundi Club of New York; among others.
Bren has been a member of the Manhattan Arts Interntional Art Gallery for several years and has received numerous awards including a previous Special Recognition Art Award. She is also any Artist in the Online Gallery of our other website The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS.
At the end of this interview you’ll find links to several pages where you may view more of her art and learn about her many career achievements. You will also find a link to her website to find out how to purchase her art. Bren also creates commissioned works of art.
Take your time to thoroughly view Bren’s enlightening sculptures and words of wisdom.
Please visit this page often and share it with your loved ones and friends.
Bren is shown above creating “Aphrodite”, clay for bronze, 67″ x 24″ x 20″
What do you love most about being an artist?
My ability to be free to express creativity with full desire in my art helps me navigate and explore this world on a deeper level within my subconscious. Thru my art I create a bridge from this world to the spiritual world while also connecting to my inner self and others throughout the world. It is through empathy for this world we live in, I create art to truly understand others, myself and the natural laws of nature.
About “Women of Prophesy” Bren wrote, “Follow your heart and eyes said the spiritual leader. So with inner eyes, I looked into my heart and found fear, as a precarious egg rolled down a feather. A prophetic woman appeared, understanding the egg would roll and break, assured me it is part of creation, explaining what is inside must be revealed. Trust the creative force of beginnings.”
Woman of Prophesy, clay, 35” x 26” x 18”
In what ways do you actively contribute to advancing the welfare of artists and/or the art community?
I teach at the Algoma Atelier of Sculpture and Art (located at Bren Sibilsky Sculpture Studio), teaching and mentoring to a wide variety of individuals. I help them to explore their own art expression by introducing them to the process of lost wax bronze casting.
I have also spoken to many other groups about art as well as giving tours of my studio. I have also conducted several sculpting demonstrations at museums, galleries and my own studio.
Through the years I have taught many sculpting classes such as clay portraiture, clay figure, sculpting the animal, relief sculpture at various art schools as well as my own facility.
“Seeking wisdom through my artwork, I use expressions of nature while searching to understand mankind’s place in the universe, thus the meaning of our existence.” ~ Bren Sibilsky
Winds of Change, clay, 36″ x 26″ x 12″.
What aspects of your creativity bring you a sense of peace and fulfillment?
I find myself most peaceful when in the process of creating. The textures, the smells, the visuals, the feel of clay in my hands all help to ground me and ease stress and also give me a sense of connection and peace. It positively charges my internal batteries, making life more joyful and fulfilling. It brings great joy when my art creates the same experience and connection for the viewer. This gives the art a “full circle” experience.
What art plans do you have for 2025 that you are most proud to share with us?
I will be hosting the 14th annual Lost Wax Bronze Casting Classes in June. Due to increasing popularity there are now two consecutive classes. I have many projects at various stages of completion that I am hoping to pursue and complete. I also hope to continue to expand and fine tune my various artistic skills through continuing education.
“l use stories of mankind, with empathy for the world we live in to understand others, ourselves and the laws of nature.” ~ Bren Sibilsky
Lion Caryatid front and back views, porcelain and patina on a wood base, 19″ x 8.6″ x 9.5″. This sculpture was selected for “The Healing Power of Nature” 2024 Invitational Exhibition.
What small steps do you recommend we make to generate a spirit of unity?
Try to remember when opposing viewpoints are presented by others that they too are going thru things that you may not be aware of.
Keep an open mind, look for common ground so as to reach an understanding so all may achieve communication and shared goals for success.
Every human being deserves connectiveness, harmony, respect and appreciation and their ability to pursue a better life.
Nature’s Companions, clay for bronze, 13″ x 6″ x 6.5″. This sculpture was selected for tthe Manhattan Arts International “Love, Peace, Unity & Hope” 2025 Invitational Exhibition.
What advice can you offer us to remain hopeful about the art world during challenging times of social and economic instability?
I believe the greatest moments for success can be reached when we are faced with adversity because it pushes us out of our comfort zones and forces us to create “out of the box” solutions that we would never create otherwise.
Let the world be our greatest teacher, pushing us to places of new exploration.
May we be open minded enough to see the open doors in closed rooms. The power of art is its ability to imagine the unimaginable.
Thank you Bren for sharing your art and words of wisdom that inspire and empower us.
Visit Bren’s membership page here.
Read “Bren Sibilsky Won the Renee Phillips Special Honor Art Award”
Read “Women Artists From The ‘HerStory’ Exhibition Who Create Meaningful Art About Women”
Exhibitions on this website that include Bren’s Art
“Love, Peace, Unity & Hope” 2025 Exhibition
Manhattan Arts International “HerStory” 2024 Exhibition
“The Spirit of Resilience” 2022 Exhibition
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