Take This Fun Quiz!
Thank you for letting us know how much you love our popular series of articles and quizzes about artists. We’re delighted to share this quiz solely focused on fascinating facts about the members of the Manhattan Arts International Featured Artists Gallery. This offers you a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the outstanding artists we have selected to promote. See how many artists you can match with the clues we’ve given you. The artists’ names are provided at the end of the article with links to their pages. (No peeking allowed!)
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Fascinating Facts About Artist Members of Manhattan Arts International
Bren Sibilsky, internationally renowned award-winning sculptor, presenting one of her portrait demonstrations in her studio.
#1. This master of color from Australia mixes more than 25 different oil paints to create every color in her painting. Music plays an important role in her source of inspiration. She won the Second Place Cash Award in the Manhattan Arts International “HerStory 2017” art exhibition.
#2. This highly acclaimed, widely publicized artist, author, blogger and former Naval officer learned how to fly at the age of 25. She is the recipient of a Joyce Dutka Arts Foundation Award and has received grants for her internationally exhibited pastel paintings.
#3. Her art was selected to appear on a large screen in Times Square, NYC, NY, in 2023. She has exhibited at the Virtual FemArt Museum Amsterdam and CODA Museum Apeldoorn, among other venues.
#4. This sunny Floridian artist with countless collectors tricks our eye and delights our senses with illusion and varying surfaces in mixed media. Her collage “A Perfect Day” was featured on the cover of Happenings magazine and she’s been honored by Arts for ACT.
Valerie Patterson is a world acclaimed watercolor painter who has received numerous awards
#5. Having received numerous important commissions for her sculpture this artist from Wisconsin is also the founder of an art school. She has exhibited with the prestigious National Sculpture Society and at the Miller Art Museum, Koehline Museum, and other prestigious venues.
#6. He uses a myriad of translucent layers and tonal variations to enhance the seductive and mesmerizing appeal of his artwork. They are reminiscent of works by Odd Nerdrum, who was influenced by Caravaggio.
Sandra Duran Wilson, internationally recognized artist is shown here working on her mixed media abstractions.
#7. From her studio in Santa Fe, NM, she creates award-winning works of art and writes best-selling art books. With many works in private and corporate collections, she has a hugely popular Youtube channel and runs online master art classes. She was once a consultant for a major paint manufacturer.
#8. The daughter of a Minister and public school teacher, this artist is committed to creating watercolors that raise our awareness about social and political issues. She states, “My father’s weekly sermons always had a well-crafted message, as do each of my paintings.”
#9. Her art is influenced by theoretical scientific concepts in physics, biology and chemistry. She also has synesthesia, in which the senses become mixed and intertwined in the mind. Sounds appear as colors, numbers sing songs and frequencies dance in her head. She creates work based on certain music, sounds and frequencies.
#10. He left college after one year to go to Israel followed by a few years traveling through Europe, fortifying the education he’d begun with trips to museums in Paris, Geneva, Florence, Milan, Venice, Rome and Athens. He spent time in public squares, sketching the scenes around him, preparing the groundwork for future paintings.
#11. After 20 years as a teacher and college professor, a Ph.D. in language and learning disorders, and years of art classes at major universities, the “art seed” finally took hold on this artist during a serendipitous trip to Taos, New Mexico.
#12. He was an adjunct professor at SUNY Fredonia, where he taught filmmaking. He also was a mentor/facilitator for VASA-Project’s Global Photography Project.
Nancy Reyner is shown here, in the process of creating one of her spectacular, award-winning paintings!
#13. This artist amazingly excels in different styles ranging from figurative to non-figurative depending on her mood and her desire to express her emotions.
#14: She received critical acclaim and reviews from The New York Times, and has had numerous features in the Star Ledger, Martha Stewart Magazine and numerous online sites.
#15: An internationally exhibited artist and master of symbolism (1944-2022) this painter won the “Lifetime Achievement in Art” award at the Florence Biennale, among other accolades. He established a foundation to raise awareness of artists in Canterbury, New Zealand.
The Answers with Links to Artists’ Pages
#1. Kari Beinert
#2. Barbara Rachko
#3. Yvonne Welman
#4. Lisa Freidus
#5. Bren Sibilsky
#6. Frantisek Strouhal
#7. Nancy Reyner
#8. Valerie Patterson
#9. Sandra Duran Wilson
#10. Elliot Appel
#11. Charlotte Shroyer
#12. Michael Amrose
#13: Mary Chaplin
#14: Nancy Staub Laughlin
#15: Keith Morant
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Loved challenging my brain with your quiz over my morning coffee. Embarrassed to say I didn’t score very high. This inspires me to read more conscientious about each artist and their work.
When you line everyone up in this concise manner I am humbled and oh so honored to be a member of this stellar group of talented artists. Wow!
Leanne, I agree. You are all so talented! It is an honor to have you as a member of the Artist Showcase Gallery.
Love this and enjoy being included with a talented group of artists! Great idea Renee! 🤗
Hi Lisa, Since you are so fascinating 🙂 I’m glad you like this and I’ll do another one soon. 🙂
Lots of fun, thanks for sharing. It is always great to hear about your other artists.
Bravo Renee! I am continually amazed and appreciative of the great variety in ideas that you come up with to advocate art and artists. It is truly a great asset to the art world and, like so many artists, I can only extend a huge thanks!
Following my show in Venice in April, we have a couple of weeks in the UK before flying to NY on the 9th of May. We will be staying at the New Yorker and really look forward to seeing your smiling face again.
Meanwhile, best wishes from us both….K & T