On behalf of Manhattan Arts International I’ve had the honor and pleasure to present exhibitions devoted to “The Healing Power of ART” for more than 20 years — both in NYC venues and on this website. The show’s purpose is to promote the scientifically proven fact that art heals by transforming one’s physiological state and perception.
“The Healing Power of ART” 2018 ran from January 10 – March 10, 2019, and included outstanding art and statements by 70 artists.
For more information about our exhibitions please visit this page. Please share the link to this page on social media and write a comment below. Please also visit our Art Gallery to view members’ artwork. ~ Renée Phillips, curator and director, Manhattan Arts International
Top Winners

Linda Whitney ~ Winner of the Manhattan Arts International Featured Artist Award
Amy Kerr ~ Winner of The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS Featured Artist Award
Laura den Hertog ~ Winner of the Renée Phillips Special Recognition Art Award
Ellen Fuller ~ Winner of the Manhattan Arts International Featured Artist Award
Karen Johnston ~ Winner of the Barbara Markoff Art Consultant Special Recognition Art Award
Terry Woodall ~ Winner of the Manhattan Arts International Featured Artist Award
Judy Klich ~ Winner of the Meg Black Artist Special Recognition Art Award
Learn more about Manhattan Arts International Online Art Exhibitions.
Visit the Manhattan Arts International Members Art Gallery
View a video featuring 30 artists from The Healing Power of ART Exhibition on the Manhattan Arts International YouTube Channel.
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Beautiful and exceptional exhibit this year. It was a joy to see.
Hey Renee—-greetings from Lima, Peru and just want to Thankyou for including me in your last two exhibitions. I certainly appreciate it and I shall be doing a solo exhibition at the Esplanade museum in Alberta in April/May. I believe that the organization you have created is awesome and gives artists a chance to show their work on an international stage!!! Thanx again———Poul
Hi Poul, Best wishes for a successful one-person exhibition at the Esplanade Museum. You’re an outstanding artist and I enjoyed viewing all of your entries for “The Healing Power of ART”. You may be interested in checking out our current call for artists “The Healing Power of Color” on our other website.
Loved this show. The artwork is outstanding. Beautiful artists and moving statements.
Diane Leon
Thank you Diane, coming from such an incredible artist that you are, that’s a wonderful compliment!
As I experience beauty, I wrote this:
Down the circumference of time –
meandering truth –
hurriedly glance –
hurtling by,
beauty! beauty! halt!
Here in this exhibition, beauty halts,
and we can unhurriedly contemplate it,
Thank you artists and thank you Renee,
Dear Renee,
I am honored and deeply grateful for this award and this wonderful opportunity that you and your team provide to so many beautiful souls.
A graceful and beautiful exhibition to enjoy!
I cannot thank you enough for your significant efforts, dedication and passion for your highly commendable work! I will write an article on my website with due consideration and share it with my network.
All the best in your endeviours!
With kind regards,
Love this exhibit! It warms my heart and soul.
Dear Renee!
I am very honoured to be selected by you and your team for the “Awards of Merit Winners”, but above all to participate at your side with all these talented artists.
The meeting point of many artists through their mediums and approaches, undeniably gives an inner strength to all to lead to the deep healing of the being, of its soul.
I thank you again for your work, for your passion to transmit and help artists through their promotion.
My artistic approach is in a profound correlation with man’s introspection into his environment, on a universal level, and his well-being.
I would do an article on my site, with in turn an emphasis on “Manhattan Arts” & “Healing Power Of Arts” in the interest of all.
See you soon!
Steevens Hill
Renee, beautiful exhibition and thanx for including me! It’s an honour. Keep up the great work! -poul
Renee, Impressive array of talent! Congrats to all the artists🤗
Thank you , Renee for the recognition of my work. I always appreciate that!!
Thanks a lot for honoring me with the Award for Merit for my painting “Reflection”. very excited to share this news with my friends and my collectors as well. Thanks once again to Renee Philips.
Exquisite…, I always enjoyed the art works for the Healing Power of ART show. Many thanks to the artists and many thanks to Rene, for her tremendous work.
Let me quote again from Emily Dickinson’s poem 1585
“What respite from her thrilling toil
Did Beauty ever take—
But Work might be electric Rest
To those that Magic make”
Those artists “Magic make”, here
Thank you for honoring me with an Award of Merit for my Color Pops 26 oil painting. I am thrilled!
I am excited to let the recent buyer know about this award, as well!
Also a thank you to Bluestone Fine Art Gallery in Philadelphia, PA, for letting me know about this exhibition opportunity and for selling this painting in December!
Thanks again!
Su Knoll Horty