Our 25th Anniversary Celebration
“Love, Peace, Unity & Hope” 2025 Exhibition
January 25 – April 25, 2025
You are invited to embark upon a transcendent journey through a spectacular art display of diverse expressions of love, peace, unity and hope. The art has been created by extraordinary artists from our two websites — Manhattan Arts International and The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS. View list of all participating artists on this page. You will also recognize a few artists from art history and read famous inspirational quotes related to the exhibition’s theme.
This Invitational Exhibition also commemorates the 25th Anniversary of our website ManhattanArts.com established in 1980. Read about our history.
Please take time to savor each work of art, read the artists’ statements, and visit their websites. Contact them directly to inquire about purchasing their art.
~ Renee Phillips, Curator, and Founder / Director / Editor of Manhattan Arts International
This is Page 1 of the Exhibition.
At the bottom of this page is a link to Page 2 where this exhibition continues.
The copyright to all artwork belongs to each artist. All rights reserved. Do not reproduce images without the written consent of the artist.
Valerie Patterson
Imagine watercolor 27″ x 35″
This painting features a piece of the Imagine mosaic, created in Central Park, as part of an international garden of peace and memorial to John Lennon. Visitors often place flowers on the mosaic completing a peace sign. I placed the young child riding over the monument to represent hope, joy, love and the future. valeriepatterson.com
“Imagine there’s no countries… It isn’t hard to do… Nothing to kill or die for… And no religion too… Imagine all the people… Living life in peace… You may say that I’m a dreamer… But I’m not the only one… I hope someday you’ll join us… And the world will be as one” ~ John Lennon
Peter N. Van Giesen
Sunset Blissful Peace, acrylic on canvas, 24″ x 30″
Why does peace seem illusive, yet readily available? Am I alone the determining element? As I paint, I look up from my introspection to witness the answer writing across the twilight skies. Absorbing the message, I too choose colors intuitively, releasing my thoughts of fear and turmoil. I reach my internal haven of calm as I send my gratitude back into the air, breathing deeply, completely serene as I add my initials acknowledging arrival to a place of peace. peternvangiesen.com
Andre Chatelain
Front-Line Workers — Thank You, oil on canvas, 24″ x 24″
This painting, representing a nurse or a doctor, is part of our Fundraising project which uses the rings of trees as a creative base. 50% of the proceeds go to Cancer Care organizations in Quebec and Manitoba. I created this one to give tribute to the front-line workers who did so much for all of us during Covid 19 and who continue their efforts, with Love and Unity, every day in a challenging environment, bringing Peace and Hope to so many. andrechatelain.com/en
Nancy Calef
Push and Pull of Evolution, oil on canvas, 30″ x 30″
As humanity evolves, there is a pull of resistance to change and a push to release old ways. The mandala design incorporates symbolism, spirituality, science, and the social realms within our ever-changing human experience. nancycalefgallery.com
“Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Bren Sibilsky
Nature’s Companions, clay for bronze, 13″ x 6″ x 6.5″
Love, Peace, Unity and Hope is felt when I surround myself with nature’s companions, it is my refuge and support. The spiritual nourishment we can feel from this connection is a powerful tool from Source for us all, especially in times of need. When it comes right down to it, life is all about Unity of connection and our Love expression. I believe that is why the artist creates, it is the creative spark sharing Peace and Hope. brensculpture.com
Dr. Michael Durst
The Awakening to Enlightenment, Fractal Impressionism, acrylic on canvas, 46.8″ x 33.1″
My painting represents unity and hope. The ethereal figure ascending towards the radiant light symbolizes the journey towards enlightenment and peace. The vibrant colors and swirling clouds evoke a sense of love and interconnectedness, illustrating the harmony between the cosmos and the human spirit. Through this artwork, I aim to inspire a sense of wonder and the belief that unity and hope can guide us towards enlightenment. michaeldurstfineart.com
Nancy Reyner
Songbirds on a Rainy Day, acrylic and Dutch gold leaf on canvas, 54″ x 65″
Being in the present moment, I feel hyperaware and connected to my inner spirit, my higher self. This is when I can best feel positive emotions such as those highlighted in this exhibition — love, peace, unity and hope. Ultimately, I want my paintings to emanate these higher states. Therefore I make it a daily practice to meditate and walk in nature to stay in connected as much as possible. Gold leaf has a high vibration and seemed the perfect choice to use for this painting. nancyreyner.com
“Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” — Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Mary Cassatt
Mother Combing Her Child’s Hair, pastel painting. Photo: Public Domain.
I have touched with a sense of art some people — they felt the love and the life. Can you offer me anything to compare to that joy for an artist?
Rohit Shah
Cloud 24D, oil on canvas, 48″ x 60″
I love painting ‘Cosmos’, our Universe. The Universe is everything. In many religions, the Universe is seen as a creation of a Divine being, with a predetermined purpose and order. It is shapeless, irregular and a constant changing subject with bright and brilliant stars and their systems millions of light years in all directions. There are millions of colors. Only these colors can express such unconventional combinations creating Purity, Darkness, Passion, Tranquility, Hope, Happiness and Spirituality. rohitshahdesign.com
Joan Metcalf
Glorious Autumn oil and metal leaf, 40″ x 60″
I have always painted bright and cheerful images of nature to cheer myself and others. In recent years my need to stay positive during even greater sadness has also increased the brightness of my paintings and hopes for future peace and unity. joanmetcalf.com
“Only humility will lead us to unity, and unity will lead to peace.” ~ Mother Teresa
Joe Stavec
It was her favorite time of day, watercolor on paper, 23″ x 29″
In this fast-paced world, I suggest it is wise to take a moment of silence. Contemplation amongst peaceful surroundings enables a time for reflection of the past, present and hope for the future. My hope is that my work offers this opportunity to gaze upon my image and create a story in your mind or simply lose yourself in thought. I like to explore the strange and imaginary in my paintings; to bathe everyday reality in a magical light. saatchiart.com/joestavec
Anne Morrison Rabe
Blue, photography, 6″ x 6″
I find peace in nature. My visit to an iris farm after a spring rain provided a respite from the bustling city in the valley far below. I was drawn to this delicate bloom unfolding like a quiet whisper of tranquility, its soft lavender petals cradling gentle shadows of calm. The translucent folds, kissed by droplets of water, evoked hope. Shades of blue and white merged in tranquil harmony, a silent affirmation that beauty will bloom even amidst life’s uncertainties. annemorrisonrabe.photography
Yvonne Welman
Nature Matters, acrylic on canvas, and lens and camera pill, 47″ x 47″
My hope is that we learn from history. My art work is a personal reaction to social issues. Through my paintings my purpose is to make people more open minded about social and philosophical issues, to see if they agree or disagree. I select the colors, composition, materials, and icons to communicate my ideas. My hope is for people to understand that we need a world with high moral standards and to show love and compassion and also attain peace and unity. yvonne-welman.com
“The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Henri Matisse
The Joy of Life, Le Bonheur de Vivre, oil on canvas, 69″ x 95″. Created 1905 – 1906. Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia, PA. Photo: Public Domain.
Love wants to rise, not to be held down by anything base… He who loves flies, runs, and rejoices; he is free and nothing holds him back. Derive happiness from yourself, from a good day’s work, from the clearing that it makes in the fog that surrounds us. Nothing can be accomplished without love.
Alison Thomas
Tetons View, photography and digital fine art, sizes vary, limited edition of 150 prints
Clyde Butcher once said “Wilderness is a spiritual necessity” and I agree. When I need peace, I go to the mountains and the wilderness. Wilderness calms me, takes away my stress, and gives me peace. This image “Tetons View” is from a bucket list trip my daughter and I made to Yellowstone and the Tetons. It was a wonderful trip and very different from what I see here in Virginia. Virginia has wilderness as well and I go there often. serenityscenes.com
Nancy Staub Laughlin
The Blossoming of Froth, pastel on paper, mounted photograph, 31″ x 55″
I have created a new concept of the assemblage working with pastels on paper and photography. These dynamic, layered assemblages transport the viewer to my mesmerizing world of color, light, dimension and beauty from a different perspective. The viewer is immersed into the sheer magnificence of the natural world. They are the culmination of many carefully executed steps that define my distinctive creative process. The love of the phenomenon of nature is what keeps us grounded. nancystaublaughlin.com
“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul – and sings the tunes without the words – and never stops at all.” ~ Emily Dickinson
Paul Gauguin
Tahitian: Mahana no Atua (Day of the God), oil on canvas, 25.9″ x 34.2″, Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial Collection. Photo: Public domain.
I have come to an unalterable decision — to go and live forever in Polynesia. Then I can end my days in peace and freedom, without thoughts of tomorrow and this eternal struggle against idiots. Let everything about you breathe the calm and peace of the soul.
Marianne Goldyn
Shanti, mixed media, (sketching, painting, digital), print on metal, 16″ x 23″
I began this artwork with a sketch of a bird. Embracing its strength, I added colors and crafted powerful, ethereal wings to evoke a sense of illuminated peace. After painting the background, I digitally enhanced it by incorporating swirling patterns conveying a sense of flow and movement. I named this “Shanti,” which means peace in Sanskrit, because while creating it I envisioned a world free from judgment, despair, and suffering, where we coexist in peace and perfect harmony with all. soulchiart.com
Sandra Belitza-Vazquez
A Lovely Afternoon, photography, available in various sizes
While driving home from Pawling a few months ago, I was captivated by a small body of water bathed in warm afternoon light that seemed to twinkle. I parked my car and began exploring the view with my cellphone, noticing the silhouetted cattails and rippled water reflecting the bright yellow and gold tree limbs, branches, and leaves. The inviting warmth I felt from the peaceful beauty of the scene helped me realize the possibilities. sbvaz.com
“What a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” ~ Marcus Aurelius
Kari Bienert
Love Letters, oil on canvas, 43″ x 57″
This painting is about love and layers. Healing takes time. The first work I painted was flat and included many hexagons and stars. After many months I was drawn to paint right over it with thick multi-colored lines leaving only tiny pieces of its former life. This painting shows how we can take experiences and blend them into the life we are creating. For me, evolution means tending to my heart and living life with more awareness and compassion. karibienert.com
Agnes Jorgensen
Nature’s Angels, oil on canvas, 20 x 16
Living among nature is my enchanting place. I find peace there. Like the transformation of a butterfly, nature has the ability to manifest change, bringing light, love and hope to those who calmly wait. jorgensenart.com
Piet Mondrian
Tableau I, oil on canvas, 40.5″ x 39.3″, 1921. Photo: Public domain.
Observing sea, sky and stars, I sought to indicate their plastic function through a multiplicity of crossing verticals and horizontals. Impressed by the vastness of Nature, I was trying to express its expansion, rest and unity.
“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” ~ Aristotle
Therese Boisclair
Stormy Night, acrylic, 40″ x 24″
For me, abstract painting is all about pure energy and emotions that find their way onto the canvas. It is about reaching deep down and touching the soul through a choreographed dance of color, light, and love. The act of painting becomes a path of meditation and hope, and each canvas is like a spiritual journey, a bridge to transport viewers into my world. tboisclair.com
Karen H. Salup
Cosmic Energy, mixed media, 36.22″ x 36.22″
My concerns for earth and peace are always on my mine, when starting this painting, I began thinking about our existence on earth and love and kindness and how I wanted to express my concerns. It might seem political; however, I feel the warmth and love viewing this art. karenhs.com
Rajul Shah
I Sense the Light, acrylic on linen, 21″ x 29″
A fusion between the Art of Kintsugi and the spiritual teachings of the Chakras, I create meditative expressions of color using the aura of each chakra. The “third-eye” chakra commands our intuition. With an aura of indigo. layers of texture (fractal circular strokes) represent life’s imperfect experiences. Layers of color indicate learnings from the adversity. Indigo Kintsugi lines denote the process of bringing this chakra back into balance as the wisdom we gain helps us improve life going forward with the light, with hope and a loving heart. rajulshahart.com
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
~ Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches
Barbara Brown
Through, oil on canvas, 14″ x 18″
Today’s world cries out for “Love, Peace, Unity & Hope”, and as artists we rise to the call. I want my work to bring the forest to people. Connecting with Nature brings profound peace, as we find ourselves at one with all creation. So I try to conjure up for you the feelings of PEACE that settle into you—and the feelings of belonging, of UNITY with all of life, that envelope you—as you sink into the forest’s healing greenery. barbarabrownart.com
Berthe Morisot
Berthe Morisot, The Cradle, In French: “Mme Pontillon et sa fille Blanche”, oil on canvas, 46″ x 56″. Photo: Public Domain.
In love there is sentiment and passion I know only sentiment through myself, passion through others. I hear certain voices I know say: sentiment = love of the intellect; I can answer: passion = the love of the body.
Tommy B. McDonell
Island Storm, mixed media, 14″ x 12″
I love the world, and not just one area. One of my biggest fears is global warming. I think it’s important to educate our citizens about the dangers of greenhouse gasses as well as the concentration of carbon dioxide which makes all of us vulnerable to rising waters. At one point, the melting of ice will affect each and every one of us. My greatest wish is for our country to work with others to reverse these trends. leapforartnyc.com
“It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Carole Claude T.
The Lovers, mixed media drawing
In 1984, iconic singer Tina Turner asked, ‘What’s love got to do with it?’ when only self-interest is the focus. The same could be asked about peace and about unity. It is only once leaders of all faiths, political creeds, races and age groups choose to work together – as one – that Peace/Love through Unity becomes actionable. Together they deliver Hope. That global intertwining for the greater good is what I was moved to illustrate through my drawing. caroleclaude.art
Tanis Bula
Roses, watercolor, 19″ x 19″
Roses symbolize love, beauty and vibrant color. Capturing their intricate petals and many colors allows me to connect with my love of flowers. Painting them brings a sense of joy, as I can express the delicate balance of nature’s amazing complexity, while honoring the timeless elegance of these flowers. www.tanisbula.com
Hiske Tas Bain
The Magician, acrylic on canvas, 16″ x 20″
I am interested into changing reality into a positive experience. The Magician, from The Tarot, does encourage us to use our skills and resources wisely to bring about love, unity, peace and hope in our life and that of others. It signifies relationships moving to new and deeper levels of stronger unity and commitment. hisketas-fineart.com
“Life is a flower of which love is the honey.” ~ Victor Hugo
Paula Borsetti
Love Song, acrylic on panel, 24″ x 24″
I learned so much while caring for my disabled dog, Jenny. For the last 18 months of her life she could only move in her wheelchair and I was her person. Her route to the backyard was always the same, yet for her every day was a new experience. She would stop and smell the flowers along the path. She taught me about strength, resilience, hope and unconditional love. I painted “Love Song” when we had to say goodbye. paulaborsetti.com
Nicole Cromwell
Infinity, acrylic on heavy weight archival quality cotton canvas sealed with a satin varnish, 48″ x 36″ x 1.5″
My artwork embodies the essence of peace, reflecting serene landscapes and soothing colors inspired by the natural world. Through my paintings, I aim to create a sanctuary of calm in a chaotic world, inviting viewers to pause, breathe, and reconnect with a sense of inner tranquility. This piece is a reminder that peace begins within us, and as we embrace it, we can extend its ripple effect outward, fostering love, unity, and hope in our communities. nicolecromwellart.com
Sandy Iseli
Pink Rhapsody, acrylic on canvas, 39″ x 47″
Pink represents love, compassion and inner peace and evokes feelings of hope. Pink environments stimulate calmness. It often represents emotions of love and joy. These are emotions which I hope to give the viewers of my art. I am happy when I can give this gift to others. We all need these emotions to thrive in our lives. sandyiseli.com
“Love is the voice under all silences, the hope which has no opposite in fear;
the strength so strong mere force is feebleness:
the truth more first than sun, more last than star.” ~ E.E. Cummings
Eva Breitfuss
Share Your Dreams With Me, acrylic on tinted drawing paper, 11.8″ x 15.7″
My intention is to inspire an opening to consciousness, to presence and greater awareness. Whether understood or not, we each have the capacity to awaken to our own soul. There is not just one reality. We live in many realities at the same time and dreams are one of them. The message in “Share Your Dreams With Me” is an invitation to hope and unity. There is magic in this sharing that holds hope. evabreitfuss.space
Akshita Lad
Summer’s Embrace, Summer’s Embrace, acrylic and oil on linen, 39″ x 39″
This painting reflects hope, peace, and love through its soft impressionist style, where warm, luminous colors evoke a sense of serenity and connection to nature. The harmonious reflections on the still water create a tranquil atmosphere, symbolizing inner peace and the beauty of balance. The vibrant red and gentle yellow tones radiate love and vitality, while the green hues inspire growth and renewal. To me, these elements weave a story of harmony, nurturing hope for a brighter, united future. akshitalad.com
Vincent van Gogh
The Starry Night, oil on canvas, 29″ x 36.25″, 1889. In the collection of the Museum of Modern Art, MoMA, New York, NY. Photo: Public domain.
“I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart. It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much. I make more arbitrary use of colour to express myself more forcefully … To express the love of two lovers by the marriage of two complementary colours … To express hope by some star.”
This set needs a lot more than only once to be looked at.
Liisa, I agree! I love your “Tigris” featured on page 2. Thank you for submitting it with your heartfelt message.