We are proud of the praise for Manhattan Arts International we have received from exhibiting artists and visitors. Here is a small sampling of the many testimonials in response to our curated art programs and juried online exhibitions. It is rewarding to know how we have helped to promote the careers of thousands of artists around the world. We will continue our tradition of promoting artistic excellence.
The internet is flooded with massive online galleries that have no quality control. Thank you for creating a place on Manhattan Arts International where art lovers with standards can rely on seeing professional level artwork by artists with credentials. Keep up the great work. ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Evans
After the article was posted on Manhattan Arts International I sent out several emails to announce it and sold a painting! I owe this sale to Renee and the Featured Artists Program! ~ Lisa Freidus
My husband and I have been subscribers for almost 10 years and enjoy the high quality art you show. Our favorite articles are Fascinating Facts About Members and Artist Members Spend A Day With An Artist From The Past. We also like the new article with pictures that take us into the artists’ studios. Thank you to Renee and the entire Manhattan Arts International team. ~ Melanie B. Thomas
I sold a painting to someone who saw it within a month after it appeared on the Manhattan Arts International website. ~ Miche Watkins
I sold “A Caregiver’s Pain” to a first time art buyer in Colorado after he saw the TV news segment regarding “HerStory” on NBC 9News Colorado. He and his wife is starting to collect abstract artworks. ~ Pia Pilar Reynaldo
I am honored to be part of this exhibition alongside so many outstanding artists. I love the power, wisdom, sensibility, and intuition of women. Renee, your are a champion, your work is absolutely exquisite. ~ Debora Levy
I have been following Manhattan Arts International since 2012, enjoying the depth of artistic talent that is displayed. You are a true clear light in this world, Renee. Thank you for all you do. ~ Janice Andrews
“Your online exhibitions are really one of the few places where art and writing are regularly paired. I think it is impactful and helps viewers not only better appreciate the art but also helps them to better understand the artist.” ~ Karen Johnston
I absolutely love the “HerStory” exhibition. As a Board Member of the New York Society of Women Artists I have been encouraging all our members to make their personal statements – to go on record for who they are and what they are about from their own mouths. Not all of us will be assigned biographers post mortem…so it is important to leave some accurate records. Your effort is great as part of this. When you open the next “HerStory” opportunity, please keep me in mind. I would love to be part of this exceptional presentation. ~ Leah Poller, Art Alliance Inc., NY NY
I am absolutely thrilled with what you have created for my page. You also took my text to a higher level! I have not had this kind of support for my work since my first gallery and my family and I appreciate it. ~ Joan
THANK YOU! I am honored to have been chosen! (for “HerStory”) Your validation is invaluable. It fuels my courage to keep showing up, to be authentic, to stay focused, and to do my best to be my best artist. The choice I made to do this work after many years in the corporate arena has been both challenging and rewarding. Sometimes I wonder why I keep going, but then something wonderful like this happens and clarity is restored. ~ B. Ellis
Hi Renee, One thing leads to another . I found this website and began to look at the different artists. Was impressed by the diversity and quality! Thank you for leading me to this! Best regards, Michal Ashkenasi
This edition of “Her Story” (2019) exemplifies the artists’ role with attention to mastery of craft in both capricious and contemplative subjects. The works in this exhibition demonstrate a deep sensitivity to the artists’ place in our modern world, where words must be spoken and images expressed. The language of the artists varies as much as the choice of medium and subject matter; whether it is confrontational, whimsical, or introspective, there is always a story beneath the surface. ~ James Campbell
What an incredible array of female talent across all media. Thank you Renee Phillips, this is such a beautiful and powerful exhibition “HerStory”. I am so honoured. Renee, ever since I have encountered your artistic wisdom, experience and positive guidance, I have really tried to execute the best quality, authenticity and depth with complete freedom as a female artist. I truly thank you for that, because I can see the progression and strength in my work within these past two years. ~ Denisa Prochazka
I’ve been a fan of Manhattan Arts International since being a subscriber of your magazine. Now that you have a large website presence with a high quality art gallery, my wife and I enjoy receiving your weekly email newsletter and discovering new talent. We have even bought some art by your member artists. ~ Ray and Beth M.
Renee, this is truly a wonderful promotion that presents my work and intentions in the best possible way. Thank you very much! ~ Keith Morant
I am so impressed by the diversity of styles and amazing talent of the artists on Manhattan Arts International. It is truly a wonderful exhibition. So proud to be part of this important project. ~ Ann Dunbar
I have never met anyone in the art world like Renée who is so singularly focused in her pursuit to help artists establish and further their careers. ~ Edward Rubin, NY art writer for Contemporary magazine, Sculpture magazine, ARTnews
Thank you for such informative and colourful information. I also, loved seeing Nancy Reyner’s work. I did two courses with Nancy, and was able to use lots of what I learned in those courses, to apply to what I read and saw here, it added an extra dimension of enjoyment. All in all the paintings, the writing and seeing Nancy’s painting, gave me a much needed boost, I have been inspired!. ~ Trish Stewart
I am in rapture viewing all of this art. The Manhattan Arts International show is resplendent in its beauty. ~ Cherilyn SunRidge
Renée, it is largely due to your article on Manhattan Arts International that I’ve made so many sales and gotten such great publicity. ~ Linda S. Watson
I am bursting with pride to have my painting included among so many outstanding works of art in this beautiful and emotionally powerful exhibition. The high level of artistic expression is so impressive. I just don’t usually see so many exceptional pieces gathered together in one place. Thank you for this amazing experience! ~ Helen P. Shipman
Your ability to concisely, accurately and enthusiastically write about my art makes the Featured Artist article you wrote a very important element in my marketing and promotional efforts. ~ Arthur Jacob
Ms. Phillips I am breath-taken as always! These artists and their works are truly spectacular. I’ve enjoyed learning about new ones, as well as, returning to favorites I now regularly follow. ~ Adriana J. Garces
The Manhattan Arts site is done so beautifully. Many of my collectors have told me how much they enjoyed seeing all the incredible works! Gracie Mille. ~ September McGee
The Healing Power of ART exposure is obviously getting play around the world. I’ve seen hits on my site from every continent and, what’s better, the visitors to the site stick around and view multiple images. They don’t just pop on and off. This speaks to the influence of you and Manhattan Arts. I always say to my kids that you can’t soar like an eagle if you hang around with turkeys. So I gain credibility as an artist by being associated with you and Manhattan Arts. ~ Alan M. Richards
The essay you wrote on Manhattan Arts International is beyond perfect and I am so excited to use it in promoting my art. Renée, your writing is a visual painting! ~ Bren Sibilsky
This year’s selection of artists for Manhattan Arts International “The Healing Power of Art” is the most impressive one I have seen. The Curator made sensitive, provocative choices. I can feel the power. It pervades my spirit. Kudos ~ Bobbi Mastrangelo
Dear Renee – you get better and better! The years go by and each show exceeds the previous one. Artists today are discovering a new pride and honour through being promoted by you. They must feel, as I do, that whatever the diversity of expressions you nurture, they are always of a very high standard. Thank you so much for all of your devotion and good work in the name of ART! ~ Keith Morant
What a profoundly moving exhibit! Congratulations to the artists for their superb work and to you Renee for this most important statement about the healing power of art. ~ Roberta London
Awesomely gorgeous works! Healing for sure! ~ Sheila Grabarsky
The publicity you have given me on Manhattan Arts International has increased the demand for my work. My sales have increased and I have received several big commissions including a very large piece. ~ Kimberly Forness Wilson
I am so honored and thrilled to have received a top award in ‘HerStory’ 2019 and love what you wrote as well as sharing my art and social media contact. It is truly women like you who is a champion of women in the arts that make these opportunities for us to forge our way forward and claim a stake in this artworld. ~ Lisa Botto-Lee
A truly wonderful exhibit and so heart warming, I am so happy to be a part of Manhattan Arts International. Thank you Renee! ~ Linda Harbert
I am very honoured to be selected by you and your team for the “Awards of Merit Winners”, but above all to participate at your side with all these talented artists. The meeting point of many artists through their mediums and approaches, undeniably gives an inner strength to all to lead to the deep healing of the being, of its soul. I thank you again for your work, for your passion to transmit and help artists through their promotion.~Steevens Hill

This is an outstanding show, Renee! What a pleasure to view the work and read the statements. Thank you for all of your hard work and for continuing to gain ground on your mission of equality in the arts. I am honored to be among these incredible women. ~ Karen Johnston
WOW Beautiful Show. My husband and I spent an over hour looking at all the incredible pieces and learning about each artist. Thank you for including my work in such amazing company. Truly honored. ~ Kimberly Forness Wilson
You have given me incredible exposure, and credentials to add to my bio, AND you have given me validation and encouragement to follow my passion, …full force ahead! ~ Pam Comeau
The diversity of the art and all the different aspects of healing on makes your annual Manhattan Arts International exhibition “The Healing Power of ART” a multifaceted diamond, eye-opening and breath-taking. I am thrilled to be included in this powerful art event. ~ Michelle Endersby
Renee, you have written so eloquently about my artwork in the Manhattan Arts International online gallery. You described my art in ways that have me eager to be dedicated to my goals more then ever. Thank you Renee for you uplifting words and creative tools. ~ Jessie Monaco
Gorgeous, powerful, and moving! Once again, Renée Phillips and the artists in “HerStory 2022” have hit a homerun out of the park. While the subject matter and mediums are very different, there is an underlying thread that goes through all of them — a sublime beauty, a feeling of peace, and a sense of focus which I think may have come from the seclusion during the pandemic. The works in the exhibition portray a quiet, introspective view into the lives of the artists, manifested through their medium(s). The artist statements are thoughtful, well written and I love reading the underlying meaning behind the individual works.
As a curator, I am hesitant to pick out favorites but a few stood out. Anikó Boda with “Always Want Something Else” is a stunning, beautiful, classical work — Boda is a master painter. “Dreamscape” by Carolyn Rogers is a dreamy, infrared platinum photograph that speaks to solitude and reflection, making me want to slow down and just breathe. Also, as a photographer myself (using large format film cameras), it is refreshing to see others doing “old-school” silver printing. Verena Baur’s “Nirgendswasser” is a kaleidoscope with pops of hot acid colors, yet soothing at the same time with a push/pull of energy that documents their journey as a transgender woman. I get lost in this abstracted seascape and want to stay there all day. Lastly, Christine Updegraff’s “Mine” draws one in to learn more. What is in that interior? Visually arresting, it speaks to societal gender norms with a pushback on perfection (and feminist art is my first love). She is interested in the objects of domesticity and human comfort in conjunction with imagery of emptiness and decay, which I find fascinating. Thank you again to Renée for championing women in the arts and giving such a wonderful platform to showcase art! ~ Karen Gutfreund, artist and curator
Thank you, Renee. It is such a delight and pleasure to be included among the artists represented in this exhibit at Manhattan Arts International. I am amazed by the diversity of visions included in your healing exhibition. ~ Elaine Franz Witten

I am honored and deeply grateful for this award and this wonderful opportunity that you and your team provide to so many beautiful souls. A graceful and beautiful exhibition to enjoy! I cannot thank you enough for your significant efforts, dedication and passion for your highly commendable work! I will write an article on my website with due consideration and share it with my network. ~ Victoria Vasilescu
This is an amazing exhibition of very talented artists. A personal thank you Renée, for awarding me to be included in an article on the healing power of art and artists website! ~ Lisa Freidus