Manhattan Arts International Presents
“Love, Peace, Unity & Hope” 2025 Exhibition
To Commemorate Our 25th Anniversary Celebration
January 25 – April 25, 2025
There are 2 pages of this exhibition: Page 1 and Page 2.
This Invitational Exhibition commemorates the 25th Anniversary of our website established in 1980. Read about our history
The art selected for the exhibition has been created by extraordinary artists from our two websites — Manhattan Arts International and The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS. You will also recognize a few master artists from art history including Mary Cassatt, Claude Monet, Henri Rousseau, Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, Berthe Morisot, Piet Mondrian, Marc Chagall, Joan Miro, and others.
This exhibition has been curated by Renee Phillips, Founder and Director, Manhattan Arts International.
Below you will find the names of the exhibiting artists.
More artists’ names will be added later.
Special Recognition Award-Winners will be listed here in the near future.
A – H
Gail Bach, Sandra Belitza-Vazquez, Kari Bienert, Therese Boisclair, Paula Borsetti, Eva Breitfuss, Barbara Brown, Tanis Bula, Nancy Calef, Mary Chaplin, Andre Chatelain, Nicole Cromwell, Dick and Rosanne, Roopa Dudley, Dr. Michael Durst, Clyde Finlay, Lisa Freidus, Marianne Goldyn, Judy Hatlen
I – R
Corina Ioana, Sandy Iseli, Agnes Jorgensen, Andrea Kay, Cindy Lutz Kornet, Akshita Lad, Nancy Staub Laughlin, Marny Lawton, Mark Levin, Debora Levy, Tommy B. McDonell, Joan Metcalf, Britt Michaelian, Patricia Nah Roche, Poul Nielsen, Ally Noormohamed, Natalie Oliphant, Valerie Patterson, Anne Morrison Rabe, David G. Rickman, Andrea Robinson
S – W
Karen H. Salup, Rajul Shah, Rohit Shah, Charlotte Shroyer, Bren Sibilsky, Joe Stavec, Frantisek Strouhal, Carole Claude T, Hiske Tas Bain, Teri Leigh Teed, Alison Thomas, Julia Underwood, Peter N. Van Giesen, Liisa Viima, Yvonne Welman, Janice Phelps Williams
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